Thursday, November 29, 2007

bling it on

holiday decorating....what can I say?!


Anonymous said...

oh, my word!
i think i saw an article about you in one of those country mags, yes? i recognized your...greenish?...roses right away! i recall kitties sleeping in vintage doll beds and boots at the foot of the bed, and a charming shot of you and hubby on the steps of the barn, is that right?
lol i never think of "famous" people as having regular ole blogs!
i look forward to browsing around and getting to know you a bit better. :)


Cathy Miller said...

Love the tractor sign! My dad was a farmer/rancher, and when he retired he and mom built a back porch on the house...and dad insisted on calling it the tractor shed! They even repainted a sign themselves that said "welcome to the tractor shed" and mom still has it on the back porch. Thanks for the memory...this is Dad's first Christmas with Jesus, so we're doing a lot of reminiscing.