The time of year is here!
The road sign at the local feed store has announced that it is time to "order your chicks".
(The best thing about small towns is that this can be posted on a sign without questionable looks or visions of Russian brides)
We've ordered our chicks this way in years past.
Imagine flipping through a catalog of speckled, mottled, fluffy and feather footed chicks! How do you choose? One of each?
Two years ago we decided to hatch a couple of eggs ourselves. These chickens are extremely prompt. 21 days to the day they will hatch. Like a nervous hen I watched all day as the chicks meticulously pecked there way out of their shells.
As soon as the tiresome chicks hit the air I scooped them up and daintily placed them in their new home under heat lamps.....what lovely little hens!
Sadly our experiment went awry when we realized we were cursed with two more roosters.
The odds were against us.
I will not be gambling anytime soon.
So needless to say not only did we add two more roosters to our flock....but one that is legally blind and can only make out shapes. ( we can't figure out how to get a pair of glasses to stay on.....)
and the other, well....let's just say he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
So will we try and hatch again? Yeah probably.
It's a wonderful experience nonetheless.
So for those dreaming of fresh eggs and fickle chicks check out www.McmurrayHatchery.com or your local feed store.
Just remember that those chicks have specific needs...and be prepared for boisterous roosters!