Tuesday, April 15, 2008

the pillow farm

If only you could grow them....
Ok , now I did warn you...I have a pillow problem.
When I suggested that we name our small farm "Pillow Farm" I was shut down by hubbys concerned look....a look like he was going to slip a pretty white jacket with buckles and straps down the back on me.
You know the look.
The latest and greatest is my "FARM" pilow. Snipped and fashioned from an old banner that hung above the ELm Tree Farm. This baby is 5 feet long and oh so naturally tea stained. I'd like to meet the person so thoughtful as to handstitch the lettering on gauzy muslin.
I'm in love.
So, now that I have my muse it's back to the studio for me to paint some more downy, dollops of fabrics and ....pillows!!!