For those of you who escaped this phenomenon....Glamour Shots was this pseudo-professional service that gave you a funeral-director type makeover.... slathering you with thick pancake make-up, a peacocks display of unnatural hair teasing and bejeweling and donning you in frocks left over from the cast of Dynasty.
As frighteningly old we looked for our age, it was kinda fun to be pampered.
My sister chose a ravishing beaded evening gown with a fur stole...myself, I was torn between the white leather bustier....and the classic black leather jacket with matching leather hat.
I went with classic black.
I do have have these photos...yes indeed. I could never part with gems like these.
The real question is , will I post them on this blog.
That would be a no.
They are safely tucked away and only snuck out when I need a giggle.
Thou, I do wonder what ever happened to all the negatives Glamour Shots must have accumulated?
So in my homage to Galmour Shots....I did my own take on glam-animal shots....minus the feather boas and aqua net.