finest freckles

most likely to blush
Wouldn't this be a great world if just anyone could win an award? ...You know, not just the most beautiful pageant winners, talented actors or the fastest runners...
Of those categories I'm left out of the running.
Now, if someone were to hand out awards for, say... "The Best Worst Haircut" or "Most Likely To Wear Braces" or the "Most Awkward Foot In Mouth Moment" maybe I'd have a chance. Kind of a celebration of life's foibles and imperfections.....Boy, wouldn't that be grand! Or perhaps with the proper pedicure I could take "Cutest Toes." A girl can dream...
I don't know about you, but I'm starting to feel like a winner already!
So, look for my "obscure" award paintings....
I will be drizzling them out as I conger the sentiments!
Check them out soon through http://earthangelstoys.com/